Currently in storage at a private location on the west coast

At Left: Wide view of right side of loom. The loom's counterbalanced shedding system consists of a roller, with two shafts and treadles.

At Right: Detail view of rocker. Rockers are kept in place on base of loom with thin flexible wooden strips that keep them aligned.  

The present owner acquired this loom in 1969, quite by impulse, and before she even knew how to weave.  She happened to be touring an old mill site in Southern Missouri, near the Arkansas border, and became fascinated by a woman spinning wool.  During the course of the ensuing conversation she asked if the woman knew anyone with a loom for sale.  The woman answered that she had an old loom she hadn't used for quite some time, but she wasn't necessarily eager to part with.  The piece sounded interesting so, with no real expectations, she went with the lady to have a look at it. 

Once she saw the loom she could hardly hide her excitment and, after much discussion and negotiation, she ended up buying it on the spot.  The woman had little information to pass on concerning the loom's origin, but was generous in answering her many questions regarding the setup and operation of the loom, and she came away with copious notes and sketches.  After getting the loom home she found it relatively simple to set up and use, and soon taught herself to weave rag rugs and simple tapestries.  The creative process brought her much pleasure, and she later took an extensive weaving course in London, England.  After returning to the States, she added an 8-harness table loom to her collection and began weaving more complex pieces.  Since then her creative nature has taken her in many directions, and the loom is currently disassembled and in storage.  The owner is now at an age she doubts she'll use it again, but would like to find a good home for it.  She maintains a blogsite, and anyone interested in acquiring the loom, or additional information about it, is invited to contact her at

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