Currently in the Missouri Historry Museum in St. Louis, Missouri

At Left: Wide view of right side of loom.

At Right: Detail view of the left rocker. A raised lip along the outer edge of the loom base serves to keep the rocker in place. Also visable at the back of the loom, is an unused treadle brace, indicating the original treadle position has been relocated.

The loom was donated to the museum by a family who purchased the loom at an estate sale in Boone County, Missouri, and later took it with them when they moved to Colorado.  Little is known of the loom's early years, other than it came from the estate of the Bugg family and had belonged to "Grandma Bugg." The Bugg family was among the early settlers in the area, having migrated there from Bedford County Virginia, around 1833. 

It is interesting to note that Boone County, MO, was named for Daniel Boone; and his sons, Nathan and Daniel Morgan Boone, established and operated a nearby "salt lick."

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